Date: December 8th, 2019
This honestly should have been titled “Portland”, but we spent a day in Portland, hung out at a bar and played some Scruples (an absolutely soul-crushing game wherein you realize that folx in in 1986 had some real moral dilemmas around things that shouldn’t be moral dilemmas and a bizarre equivocation of the mundane and the socially just). But in our illegal hotel we noticed an Oregon shaped cutting board Valhalla—the Tillamook Creamery. So we lit out in the morning, went on the self-guided tour, ate some free cheese, ate some expensive cheese, ate some ice cream, and it was wonderful.
We then drove—we in this case is R and I with Will—along the Oregon (later Washington) coast up to Seattle. We took a stop at Cannon Beach and vowed to return. A pandemic ran right into us shortly thereafter, but I still hope we see it again.