Day 26, 7/18/2017

Started in: Caynonlands National Park, UT

Ended in: Canyonlands National Park, UT

Total Distance: Hiking: 3.5 miles, Driving: 105 miles

Last night there was a bit of a rain storm. Around 11pm, our neighbors jumped ship, packing up and heading out because of the rain. Fortunately, our little tent held strong and the lightning did not last long. We listened to the rain, and felt pretty grateful that it came because it really cooled down the tent. We woke up and headed into town to pick up more tortillas and avocados for lunch. Thanks to John Chambers brother, Michael, for our standard lunch. He eats tortilla with salami, cheese, and avocado; we have modified this to be beans, cheese, and avocado. Then we headed to Arches NP. There was a crazy line to get into the park, it was unclear if it was because of the construction in the park or because we came at “rush hour”. We decided we wanted to see the to the iconic delicate arch, featured on Utah’s license plate. It is a balmy 107 degrees here, so we packed lots of water and headed out. I am shocked by how many people are on these trails in this heat and with little bottles of water! The uphill hike was worth it because the arch was awesome! We took a ton of pictures and then headed back down to eat our favorite lunch. After lunch, J and I were both exhausted to we headed back into town to grab coffee and work on the blog.