Day 29, 7/21/2017

Started in: Denver, CO

Ended in: Bald Mountain, CO (possibly Boulder)

Total Distance: Driving: 35 miles

Day 1 of 2 of Niket and Heather's wedding. The wedding, arguably because of not in spite of the rain, was beautiful. Niket is perhaps my hero and I could not be happier. And I loved seeing everyone that I love. In lieu of a long blog post recapping the details of the wedding (though, to be clear, everything looked beautiful, the site was amazing, and the pizza was delicious), I will instead recreate something in part of what I said to Alex.

You'd be walking downtown and you'd miss the building. One North State is technically the center of Chicago, but it's a pretty unassuming building. And even if you were looking at it, you'd never think there was a school there. And in that small space, for the small window of time that we were in each other's lives on a daily basis, I can think of no group of people who have had a more profound effect on my life or have meant as much to me. I feel truly blessed to have had the reason to see each other twice in this year and am looking forward to Sam and Andy's wedding.